
Positive Pinoy: my personal journey with HIV.

I was diagnosed last March 29, 2012 in a time that I was supposed to leave the country in a couple more weeks. I had my medical exam, and the result returned POSITIVE. From then on, my journey with HIV began.

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1) How I Learned About The Painful Truth

                                                  photo taken from: http://www.added-value.com/source/2010/10/marketing-and-hiv/

January 2012.
After three years of working as a staff nurse, I was informed by my manager that she will process my promotion as assistant manager of our unit. I was ecstatic. After a hate-hate relationship with some managers in the hospital in the early years of my career, it became love-love a few years later. To be fair with the company, I was honest enough to inform them that I have a pending application abroad. I already passed the panel interview, and currently in the process of complying with all the requirements. Although there was no certainty as to the date of my deployment abroad (because of an internal problem in the agency), I still informed her of the possibility of me leaving the hospital any time soon.

Nevertheless, I was assigned as OIC in all my duty days in preparation for my promotion (and I can only feel glee inside; my managers trust me).

February 2012.
My visa arrived. I informed the agency, and they wanted me to finish complying all the requirements (pertinent documents, and my medical exam). Deep inside, I still did not want to resign. I enjoy being OIC. I still want to spend more time with my family in the province. Delaying tactics, done!

March 2012, first week.
The agency kept pressuring me to submit all my documents. They wanted me to be deployed on the last week of March. March 28, to be exact. I told them I wasn't ready yet. I still have to comply with the 30-day-notice of the hospital. They told me I don’t have a choice.

That same afternoon, with a heavy heart, I submitted my resignation letter.

March 2012, third week.
I have already completed all my required documents. And another good news: my deployment date was moved to April 12. Perfect, as it will give me enough time to go to the province to be with my family before flying abroad. Bu there is only one thing left to comply, my medical exam!

March 27, 2012.
I went to the accredited diagnostic clinic. It took me one whole day to finish everything. I felt so happy and productive. I was quite worried about my X-ray result, though, since I had cough during the day of the medical exam. Other than that, the other thing that worries me is how to budget my remaining two weeks: move out of my apartment, Manila tour of my siblings (I bought them airfare tickets already), we all fly back home to the province to spend at least three days with my family, pack my things, and head back to Manila two days before my scheduled flight abroad.

March 28, 2012.
I texted the agency if they already received my medical exam results from the clinic.  Thirty minutes later, I received a reply telling me to go back to the clinic because of a pending exam.

Uhm, I asked myself what went wrong. I checked my medical slip: no signature for the audiometry test. That must be it!

I texted an applicant whom I met in the clinic whose destination abroad is same as mine. She told me that the agency texted her that she is physically fit to work. More than that, she said there was no audiometry test. We were in the same line in all tests during the medical exam, we did not miss any single test.

I know that at the back of my mind, I worried that I might have Hepa B. A past relationship died January this year. I was informed it is because of liver abscess. I researched about Hepatits B over the net. Asymptomatic. Great! So only blood exam will tell. I refuse to think I have it because it will hinder my employment abroad.

Upon closing the windows in my laptop, I glanced upon the “You might also like:” portion of the showbiz site, showbiznest. The title: HIV Positive Wanggo Gallaga Faces Boy Abunda. And I said to myself, “Wow! Another sign!” Although I was convinced that I do not have HIV, a little part of me got worried. I also know for a fact that HIV is asymptomatic.

March 29, 2012.
I came to the clinic early because I was on PM shift that day. Although I arrived at 8AM, I was informed that the doctor arrives at 10AM. I was in the line together with those who have pending results. A few hours later, a staff called each one and assigned us to the units where we need to have ourselves rechecked. Some were assigned to X-ray. I thought I will be belonging to that group. I was not.

I was told to wait for the head med tech because of a pending blood exam.

I waited for what seemed like eternity when the med tech (Sir Roger) told me to come with him in his clinic.

He told me to sit, and then he introduced himself. He asked me where my destination is, the date of my deployment, etc. I answered April 12, and I have already resigned from my current employer for that reason. He then calmly told me that when he "run” my blood in one of the exam kits, there was a reaction. My blood reacted to a test, an HIV test. It was positive.

I was speechless. He asked me if I was alright. I didn't move. I didn’t say anything.

He then continued that what was did to me was just a screening test. What he will do now is to extract blood from me again, “run” it in the same kit, and another portion of the blood will be sent to DOH for confirmation.

He also informed me that he will text me personally if the results come out after around 3 to 4 weeks (added to the fact that Holy Week is approaching).

He then asked me again if I was alright. I said, yes. But to be honest, I was overwhelmed with all the emotions which came crashing down right at that moment. There was that fear of dying. There was that confusion as to what to tell my mother why I cannot go abroad. And there was also fear of unemployment.

And then, in a moment, I remembered during one review class about man's greatest fear: the fear of the UNKNOWN!

Currently have 10 comments:

  1. hey. i read your blog. send me an email. i need to tell you something... something amazing... :D iamhivpositivemanila@gmail.com

  2. ngayon ko lang ulit na-notice ang post mo dito. hehehe! thanks! really nice to know that there are kind people like you here.

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  4. Alivar Kan: that's too much of a compliment, i'm deeply flattered. thank you so much. :-)

  5. i read your blog and been following you.

    stay healthy!!

  6. Partner kmsta ka s ngaun

  7. Yes it's true. Herbal is real. I'm so happy now cos all of my wasted years are gone, does years of tears and sorrows. I was diagnosed of Genital Herpes, I never believed myself been affected with Herpes Until now.I heard so much about the virus.I was so ashamed of myself to show up publicly. My doctor ,had to give me the Antibiotics like the acyclovir, which only helps to reduce outbreak, and I was concerned with cure cose the rashes where so painful and uncomfortable to my life .I thought I should engage consuming much of friuts, and vegetables for remedy still nothing to sure whenever I goes for checkup. With time, I became interested with Herbs and I decided to check online if there could be possible remedy regarding to what my friend Lucy told me about Dr. Awada herbal medicine that saved her Aunts life from Aunt from the Cancer iv haven visited many hospitals no cure to show. I had to try my luck believing God for cure. Collected the mail and contacted the herbalist for possible remedy and requested for the Herpes medicine. He was so kind, cos have spent almost everything with me then, he prepared and sent the medicine with guidelines of how to apply at a very low price. I do received the medicine and used as instructed, I became to feel relieved and more energy in me,the blisters where gradually diminishing till I could see them no more. I quickly went to check for checkup and I was cured from the Herpes. No sign till date.Thanks so much to all those who contribute to my breakthrough. Dr.Awada can cure you and you will be happy in less than 2 weeks. write back if you got cure so the world will know what to do to reduce herpes and other most deathly virus in the world.Kindly contact Dr Awada @drawadaherbalhome@gmail.comrequest for your herbal medicine for all sickness, including HIV/AIDS,HPV,CANCER, DIABETES, HEPATITIS, KIDNEY FALIUR WEEK ERECTION,LOW SPAM COUNT, FIBROIDS,....GET YOUR CURE NOW


  8. Health wise, I feel like a child dancing in the rain ever since I got cured of hepatitis. I was diagnosed of HEPATITIS B and I was told it has no cure at the hospital, but I was given several antiviral medications to slow the virus’s ability to damage liver. But after sometime the medicine wasn't working and I became very sick with different symptoms like: vomiting, fatigue, dark urine, swollen stomach and so on. I went back to the hospital and I was told it has become chronic with liver problem, and out of frustration I went online to search for something new to try, and I came across Dr. IYABIYE's recommendation, I gave it a try hence it's a herbal medicine. And behold, I was cured after the treatment. I have to wait for months then went back to the hospital and still I was tested negative. You too will be cured. Contact: (Whatsapp: +2348072229413 or +2348158577300) iyabiyehealinghome@gmail.com

  9. Am Laura Mildred by name, i was diagnosed with Herpes 4 years ago i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn't going to ever be well again i contacted so many herbal doctors on this issue and wasted a large sum of money but my condition never got better i was determined to get my life back so one day i saw Mr. Morrison Hansen post on how Dr. Emu saved him from Herpes with herbal medicine i contacted Dr. Emu on his Email: Emutemple@gmail.com we spoke on the issue i told him all that i went through and he told me not to worry that everything will be fine again so he prepared the medicine and send it to me and told me how to use it, after 14 days of usage I went to see the doctor for test, then the result was negative, am the happiest woman on earth now thanks to Dr. Emu God bless you. Email him at: Emutemple@gmail.com Whats-app or Call him +2347012841542 

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